CMA CGM to add a new call at Ennore, India on its NEMO service

April 12, 2023

CMA CGM is pleased to announce that its NEMO service connecting North Europe & the Mediterranean with Oceania will expand its port coverage with a direct call in Ennore (Chennai, India) on the Westbound leg as from June 2023.

This new call will offer our customers a fast export connection from the main commercial area in South East India to Europe together with a direct import connection from Australia and Singapore.

Ennore is also a natural gateway from/to ICD Bangalore covered with an efficient rail connectivity and will provide a best in class service to the fast-growing automotive industry.

NEMO new service features will be as follows:

• First vessel will be m/v "APL MEXICO CITY" voy. 0NNFKW1MA, due to arrive in Ennore on June 9th, 2023

• Rotation: Ennore - Colombo - Malta - Valencia - London Gateway - Rotterdam - Hamburg - Antwerp - Le Havre - Fos Sur Mer - La Spezia - Malta - Pointe Des Galets - Port Louis - Sydney - Melbourne - Adelaide - Singapore - Ennore

• Transit times: Ennore > Malta in 17 days | Ennore > Valencia in 22 days | Ennore > London Gateway in 29 days

Please do not hesitate to contact your usual local sales team should you need further information.

Image by CMA CGM

CMA CGM press release